Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CSE HTML Validator Lite 8.01

CSE HTML Validator Lite is a very useful HTML editor and basic syntax checker that checks and edits HTML and basic syntax. It also generates important error messages and valuable warning messages every once in a while. As a matter of fact, CSE HTML Validator Lite generated 16 error messages and 5 warning messages when checking this webpage: http://www.google.com. CSE HTML Validator Lite warns that "these problems could damage this web page's search engine rankings" and highly recommends that any problems be corrected. The program seems sort of obsessed with giving out warnings about missing single or double quotation marks (as in bgcolor=#ffffff). The program's HTML editor is pretty simple. The HTML checker can't check more than one page at a time. But the good news is CSE HTML Validator Lite is free and bannerless.
CSE HTML Validator Lite home page

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